Beginner Agility 1
This class introduces dogs and handlers to the basic equipment used in AKC agility trials including jumps, tunnels, table, contacts (A-frame, dog walk, and teeter at low height) and weaves. This class also includes an introduction to a variety of agility foundation skills and helps build the dog’s confidence and enthusiasm for agility training. The class can be taken just for fun or by those interested in competing in agility.
Prerequisite: No specific classes are required, but dogs should have been introduced to basic obedience commands (sit, down, come, and stay). Dogs must be able to work safely in a group setting around other agility teams.
Other Requirements: Dogs must be at least 7 months. Because of the physical demands of agility training, some exercises will be modified for dogs younger than one year.
Beginner Agility 2
This class builds on the obstacle and foundation skills taught in Beginner Agility 1 and focuses on improving agility handling skills and teamwork. Teams will begin by running short multi-obstacle sequences and gradually work toward running longer sequences and courses as the class progresses. This class may be repeated multiple times as handlers and their dogs work to develop the skills needed to compete at a novice level in agility.
Prerequisite: Beginner Agility 1 or equivalent. Puppy and basic obedience classes where dogs were introduced to tunnels and jumps are not sufficient to meet this prerequisite.
Other Requirements: Dogs must be able to work safely off-leash (or dragging a long line) in a group setting around other agility teams.
Basic Agility Handling
Handlers will learn techniques and handling skills required for running agility courses and sequences. Teams will be introduced to front, blind and rear crosses as well as other basic skills needed to successfully navigate agility courses. Dogs will generally be working short drills and sequences consisting of jumps and tunnels.
Prerequisite: Beginner Agility 1 or equivalent. Puppy and basic obedience classes where dogs were introduced to tunnels and jumps are not sufficient to meet this prerequisite.
Other Requirements: Dogs must be able to work safely off-leash in a group setting around other agility teams.
Basic Agility Handling Plus Weaves, Contacts and Distance
This class will build on the Basic Agility Handling class (see class description) and include weaves, contacts, distance work, and proofing.
Prerequisite: Beginner Agility 1 or equivalent. Dogs should be familiar with contacts (teeter, dog walk, A-frame) and weave poles.
Other Requirements: Dogs must be able to work safely off-leash.
Basic Foundations for Drive and Focus
This class expands beginner agility training to focus on developing drive for agility obstacles and focus on the handler. These skills will foster a strong foundation to advance in agility.
Prerequisite: Dogs should be proficient in basic obedience commands (sit, down, come, stay) prior to enrolling in this class. Dogs should be at least 7 months old.
Novice Agility
This class is designed for novice dogs in preparation for agility competition. Most of the class will be spent running a variety of AKC novice agility courses (Standard, JWW, and FAST). Dogs should be reasonably proficient on all obstacles. Discussion will also be given for having a dog measured, filling out entry forms, preferred or regular classes, etc. Reading course maps, walk-throughs and volunteer jobs at a trial will also be covered. Each class will allow limited time for individuals to practice independently on the obstacles.
Prerequisite: Beginner Agility 2 or equivalent.
Multi-level Drop-in Agility
This drop-in class offers teams preparing for competition in agility (from novice to master’s level) an opportunity to practice by running a variety of courses and agility exercises on our agility field. Courses will typically be nested to provide challenges for teams at different levels. Instructors and handlers with more experience will mentor and assist novice level handlers.
Prerequisite: Beginner Agility 2 (or teams actively competing in agility).
Competition Agility
This class offers competing agility dogs an opportunity to work obstacles, sequences and discriminations on JWW and standard courses on our field. While no formal lesson plans will be used, all handlers will be expected to assist in course building and designing/suggesting working sequences. Handlers with more experience will be encouraged to mentor and assist novice level handlers.
Prerequisite: Must be advanced enough to compete in trials.
Agility Course Analysis
Class Description: This class focuses on breaking down and analyzing advanced agility courses. We will be working on fostering good course walking habits in an effort to create more efficient and more consistent runs at agility trials.
Prerequisite: Must be ready for agility trials.
Beginning Conformation Handling
These classes are for those new to conformation handling who wish to show, socialize and train their dog in the conformation ring. Students learn about finding and entering shows, ring techniques, stacking and handling tips, ring protocol for both breed and group rings, what equipment to take to shows, and how to care for your dog while at a show. This class will also help socialize dogs for the show ring atmosphere. Instructors are experienced show handlers.
Prerequisite: Student should be a beginner in conformation show ring handling and want to learn how to present their breed of dog.
Conformation Handling/Drop-in
These classes are for those who wish to show their dog in the conformation ring. Students learn more advanced ring techniques, get stacking tips, handling tips, ring protocol for both breed and group rings, and can socialize dogs for the show ring atmosphere. Instructors are experienced show handlers. This is a drop-in class, pay as you go.
Prerequisite: Student should be familiar with basic show ring protocol and know how to present their breed of dog.
Obedience – Companion/ Household
Beginner Obedience
This class teaches the foundation skills needed for basic manners (sit, down, stand, come, stay, controlled leash walking), impulse control, and handler focus.
(CGC Prep/Tricks/Games: Classes including any of these suffixes will provide exercises to better prepare your dog for Canine Good Citizen or Trick testing to earn an AKC title)
Prerequisite: Dog must be at least 6 months of age.
Limitation: One dog per handler.
Advanced Beginner Obedience
Advances foundation skills. Teaches motivational games and tricks. Have fun with your dog while improving communication, behaviors, and attention.
(CGC Prep/Tricks/Games: Classes including any of these suffixes will provide exercises to better prepare your dog for Canine Good Citizen or Trick testing to earn an AKC title)
Prerequisite: Beginner Obedience or approval of instructor.
Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Beyond
CGC – to learn more visit Canine Good Citizen (CGC) – American Kennel Club
CGCA/CGCU (AKC Canine Good Citizen Advanced/AKC Urban CGC) – to learn more visit CGC: What’s After CGC? – American Kennel Club
Obedience – Competition
Competition Obedience Foundations
In this course the team will work to improve attention, consistency in training, develop handling skills to maneuver the dog and define heel position. The focus is on formal obedience; handlers should be interested in showing their dogs in obedience and/or rally. Emphasis is on AKC Beginner Novice Obedience and Novice exercises.
Prerequisite: Beginner Obedience, Rally Novice, CGC title or approval of instructor.
Competition Communication Skills: Cues and Body Language
This class is intended for teams of any level, Beginner Novice thru Utility, who plan to compete in AKC Obedience. The focus of this class will be to develop more awareness of clear communication skills with your dog via cues and body language and to realize how your dog interprets what you think you are communicating.
Prerequisite: Beginner Obedience, CGC, or equivalent.
Novice Obedience
This class will help build basic obedience skills into AKC Competition Novice exercises. Handlers will learn to identify the principal features, correct and accurate performance of all AKC Novice exercises. Teams will have the opportunity to work through modest distractions and proofing.
Prerequisite: Beginner Obedience, Rally Novice, CGC title or approval of instructor. Completion of Advanced Beginner Obedience and/or Competition Obedience Foundations preferred. Handlers are required to download or purchase a copy of current AKC obedience regulations.
Advanced Novice Obedience I
This class will help build basic obedience skills into precision AKC Novice exercises. All the AKC Novice Class exercises will be perfected, working through modest distractions, proofing, and polishing handling skills. Instruction covers low jumps, position changes (in front position), hold and take a dumbbell.
Prerequisite: Same as Novice Obedience. Additionally, students should have knowledge of all AKC Novice exercises.
Advanced Novice Obedience II
This class perfects all elements of AKC novice obedience. Instruction covers beginning jumping, retrieving a dumbbell, target games, position change exercises, and rally maneuvers.
Prerequisite: Same as Novice Obedience. Additionally, students should be able to perform all AKC novice exercises.
Open Plus Obedience
This class continues to proof heeling and develop, jumping, retrieving, and position changes into complete AKC open exercises. Based on goals of the students, foundation skills for directed jumping, go outs, signals, glove marks, and scent articles will be developed.
Prerequisite: Team should be able to perform all AKC novice exercises. Dogs must have a strong ‘Stay’ and ‘Recall’. Training the AKC open exercises are dependent on these foundation skills. Plus have a reliable retrieve and dumbbell hold, as well as experience with the high and broad jumps (at age-appropriate heights).
This class continues to proof AKC Open exercises, perfect performance of scent articles and
continue to develop AKC Utility exercises.
Prerequisite: Team should be able to demonstrate a work-in-progress ability of all the AKC open exercises plus AKC utility scent articles.
Open / Utility Practice Class
This class is for dog/handler teams that are polishing and proofing their utility skills. Handlers often work independently with direction and problem solving from the instructor.
Prerequisite: Dogs should be able to perform all AKC utility exercises or a modified version of the exercises.
Puppy One
This class is for puppies three months to no more than 20 weeks old on the first night of class. The Puppy Class provides positive experiences with people, dogs, and situations (sights, sounds, smells, etc.). In the class, puppies learn how to meet and interact politely with other puppies and people. They also learn basic commands (sit, down, stay, leave it and come) plus some fun games and Novice tricks.
Prerequisite: Puppy’s age must fall within class description.
Puppy Two
As your puppy matures, now is the time to improve basic commands, life skills, and problem solving. Have fun with games and Novice tricks while enhancing your puppy’s ability to engage, build confidence, and advance in training.
Prerequisite: Puppy class and/or 5-12 months old.
STAR Puppy
STAR Puppy is an AKC program for getting puppies off to a great start. STAR stands for Socialization, Training, Activity, and Responsibility. Pups in this class will learn all the skills necessary to pass the AKC STAR puppy test in addition to many basic obedience skills, basic obedience, fun training games and more. You are required to attend all six classes of this program in order to take the AKC STAR Puppy test.
Prerequisite: Pups over 20 weeks (with a few exceptions) and no more than 12 months of age. Pups should not reach their 1st birthday before the last day of class/testing day in order to take the test.
Rally Novice
Rally focuses on dog/handler teamwork where the team navigates a course of rally signs. Each sign indicates a skill that the team needs to perform. This class will polish foundation skills including sit, down, stand, come, stay and controlled leash walking while practicing station to station sequencing. Turns, pace changes, fronts, finishes and additional novice exercises will be introduced.
Prerequisite: Beginner Obedience or CGC title. Dogs 6 months or older.
Rally Intermediate/Advanced
Distinguishes between rally heeling and rhythm obedience heeling, defines heel position. Continues to polish rally novice maneuvers, develops skills for performance of advanced signs, introduces foundations for excellent exercises. Strengthens position changes (sit/down/stand), come, fronts, pivots, jumps and finishes. Will include rally rules and regulations course sequencing and full courses experience.
Prerequisite: Completion of Rally Novice class, AKC Rally Novice title, or approval of instructor. It is required to download or purchase a copy of AKC Rally regulations.
Scent Work
Beginner Scent Work
This class will introduce dogs to the target odor of birch used in the exciting sport of AKC Scent Work. Dog and handler teams will learn important foundation skills such as odor obedience, search drive, and recognizing changes of behavior.
Prerequisite: Dog must be at least 6 months of age.
Intermediate Scent Work
This class will introduce the remaining AKC odors, distractions, odor puzzles, handling skills and multi-hide searches. All four search elements (Container, Interior, Exterior and Buried) will be covered.
Prerequisite: Dog must be on birch odor. Completion of Beginner Scent Work or equivalent, or approval of instructor.
Competition Scent Work
This class will focus on complex odor puzzles for teams preparing for the AKC Excellent/Master levels. Teams will work through a variety of odor challenges such as elevated, ground, converging, inaccessible, threshold and transition hides.
Prerequisite: Team must be competing in the AKC Advanced level or higher.
Tracking Class
The course will cover what equipment to use, recommended books, use of food on the track or not, line handling, article indication, instructions on how to begin your dog to track, and more. Tracking is a good confidence builder for the dog. The teams must practice through the week to keep up with the instruction. The class will meet at ORKC facilities the first week, then will expand to different community locations.
Prerequisite: None.
Limitations: The limitations will be determined by how advanced the teams are in their training. You will be contacted by your instructor after the close of registration.