SINCE 1944
The Oak Ridge Kennel Club is an American Kennel Club licensed organization that seeks to promote dog sports while providing service for the community and fellowship for all interested in our canine friends.
Oak Ridge Kennel Club offers you a friendly group of people who love their dogs as much as you do. We offer a wide variety classes and socialization opportunities for both you and your canine in a close-knit community.
Reach out to learn more and come join us today!
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for our latest news!
Membership Meetings
Join us for our membership meetings. Our meetings are open to all, be they members, applicants, or anyone interested in learning about our club activities.
Regular Membership meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm EST at the East Building of the Club property at 1790 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge TN.
Some meetings are in person Membership with Zoom option and some are Zoom only. Please check our Facebook page for updates regarding meetings as well as this website.

Upcoming Events
- March 1, 2025 at 10:00am ET
Sniff & Go- ORKC campus
- Containers and Buried will be offered.
- Flyer
- Mar 29-30, 2025 at 8:00am ET
Obedience/Rally Trial- Held at Ultimutt Knoxville
- 2 Rally trials and 1 Obedience trial each day
- Trial opens Feb 12, 2025 at 8:00am ET
- Premium
- Enter online (with no surcharge) link will become live Feb 12th at 8:00am EST