Track Lengths:
- TD = 440-500 yds or 1275-1650 ft. = up to 1/3 mile
- TDU = 400-500 yds or 1200-1500 ft. = just under 1/3 mile
- TDX = 800-1000 yds or 2400-3000 ft. = over 1⁄2 mile
- VST = 600-800 yds or 1800-2400 ft. = under 1⁄2 mile
Prior to entering a TD or TDU test:
A written statement must accompany each entry for a licensed or member tracking test for any dog that has not previously passed an AKC TD or TDU test.This statement must be dated within two years of the date the test is to be held, signed by either person approved to judge tracking tests, or by a person/ evaluator who has handled a dog to a TDX or VST title within the last ten (10) years, and must certify that the dog has satisfactorily performed a certification test.
TD/TDU Certification
Field, 440-500 yards, 30 minutes-2 hours old, 3 to 5 turns 1 start and 1 ending article.
AKC Title and Title Names
TD – Tracking Dog
- Field, 440-500 yards, 30 min to 2 hours old, 3 to 5 turns
- 1 start and one ending article
TDU – Tracking Dog Urban
- Optional tilting event.
- Vegetation and Urban, 400-500 yds, 30 minutes – 2 hrs old, 3-5 turns,
- 2 different surfaces, start, intermediate and ending article
TDX – Tracking Dog Excellent
- Field, 800 to 1000 yards, 3 to 5 hours old, 5 to 7 turns
- 1 start, 2 intermediate and 1 ending article
VST – Variable Surface Tracking
- Urban, 600 to 800 yards, 3 to 5 hours old, 4 to 7 turns
- 1 hard turn (Moment of Truth), 1 start, 2 intermediate and 1 ending article
CT – Champion Tracker
- Awarded to any dog who earns all three AKC tracking titles (TD or TDU, TDX, and VST)